A charity event raises funds when the audience understands and appreciates the cause. How can entertainment help you with this? What kind of entertainment would be best suited?
Charity events are champions of serious issues, fundamental causes and so much more. Some feel that an entertainment factor would divert the focus of the audience and reduce the spotlight on the cause. However, it has been shown that events actually enhance the cause, bring more attention to it and help your audience understand what it is.
Championing a cause, putting your heart and soul into it and letting the world know is no easy task. But watching your cause be lost on people is at quite another level of difficulty. No one likes to visit commonplace charity events anymore. Watching the same agenda play through with a different cause loses its sheen after a point.
This is why charity event planners have started using entertainment. This not only keeps the audience engaged and attentive, it even brings a unique and fun twist to something somber. Charity events require this as fundraising is no easy task. Making your audience feel like they have had a good evening with you, gives them a reason to work with you further.
Charity event entertainment can be a tough aspect to decide. The entertainer has to be interactive, engaging yet their set should find a way to highlight your cause. Not all entertainments can do such a thing. One entertainment idea which resonates for charities is stand up comedy.
Lighten up your event with stand up comedy! Choose Mark Crocker to champion your event!
Why stand up comedy is a great entertainment idea for charity events?
- People resonate with comedy
- It is suitable for all age groups
- The set can be modified to your cause
- It keeps the audience attentive
Stand up comedy is something people resonate with easily. Whether it is a joke or even observational comedy, it happens every day to everyone and audiences are quick to let themselves be taken over by waves of laughter. As a charity event entertainment as well, it sets a good show.
The biggest benefit of comedy is that this is a kind of entertainment you don’t have to censor. Suitable for all age groups, easy to understand and relate to, stand up comedy has become one of the best entertainment ideas for charity events in Canada. Mark Crocker himself has been a part of many and loves to champion causes in his sets.
Comedy is easy to modify. This facilitates the fact that at no point will your cause be thrown off into the darkness. Highlighting your cause, personifying it and helping the audience become aware of it can all be done with a stand-up comedy set as part of your charity event agenda!
Stand-up comedy as entertainment at a charity event even ensures that your audience doesn’t fall asleep and miss out on signing their cheques! A laughing, happy and open audience can help you ring in more money and give your cause the financial momentum it needs!